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Friday, October 2, 2015

How to prevent the breast from sagging naturally at home with exercise and techniques

Hello there! Breast sags after a certain age and all are with the same notion that it will definitely happen to them once they attain that age, but it can also happen to young girls who are at there teenage. So what should be done to avoid sagging of the breast? There are few very simple techniques to adopt and few habits to change to prevent sagging of breast at any age. Keep your pair like pear today and always. 

Here are the most effective ways to prevent breast sagging at any age.

1. Adopt correct sleeping position: Always try to sleep on your flat back because when you have a usual way of sleeping facing a particular side after certain period of time you would find that the top breast sags and will be comparatively bigger than the other breast which definitely looks odd. So by sleeping on your back you can keep your breasts firm and in shape thus it doesn't lead to unwanted stretch of the bust and prevent sagging.

2. Control your body weight: Continuous variation in your body weight may drastically lead to ruin the shape of your breasts. When you put on some weight, your skin stretches around the breast and when you lose it you may see that the breast appears to sag. It happens because the skin lost its elasticity due to the stretching and it may also leave stretch marks that by the ways looks really unpleasant. So maintain a healthy weight by doing aerobics, yoga and exercises.

3. Support your breasts while you exercise: Whenever you perform any exercise that involves jump or vigorous stepping then the breast  bounces and stretches a little every time and that may lead to sagging of breast. This mainly effects women or girls with bigger breasts, so it is highly recommended to use supporting sports bra. The sports-bra should fit more tighter than usual lingerie. Make sure that the Sportswear should cover the complete bust region around the rib cage.

4. Proper massage of the upper bust and lower neck area:  Exposure of the cleavage and lower neck area to the summer sun can cause harm to the collagen and elastin of your skin due to harmful radiation, it can cause lose in elasticity of the breast skin and thereby sagging of breasts. It can be avoided by the use of proper anti-aging cream while properly massaging around your lower neck and upper breast area (Circular motion of massage).

5. Choose bras that hold the breast right: Whenever you feel that the last clasps of the bra stretch bands is not providing a firm and tight hold of the breasts, it's time to change the bra. Breast size may change due to weight fluctuation, hormonal change, exercise and pregnancy, so change your bra to proper size. Loose bra may cause sagging of breasts during everyday exercise and vigorous walk.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Increase Breast Size naturally at home

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